How to use Siri Handsfree On your Mac
So you have Sierra installed and you finally have Siri on your desktop. Having an assistant at a push of a button is great, but how awesome would it be not having to push that button. Find out with Daniel Portis as he explains how to go hands-free.

Disk App Review (Mac App Store)
Cleaning up your computer can be a full time job if you let it get out of hand. Here is a small app that will manage your computer and keep it neat and clean at the same time. Get your download today http://www.helloiat.com

How To Make Siri Smarter
Have you ever been using Siri and she's goofed up tremendously? Here is a great way to make sure that Siri is extremely punctual and reference to what you want to do.

5 Photoshop tips in 2 minutes
The more you understand the workflow in Photoshop the faster you become a master of Photoshop. In this two minute video I'm going to show you five quick tips that will help your workflow to tremendously. If I move too fast for you feel free to pause, rewind and watch it over again.

Quick Photoshop Zooming Tip
Here are two quick zooming tips you can achieve in under one min. Give it a try and let me know how it works out for you. If you have a question please feel free to as in the comments of tweet me @websitecandi #askwebsitecandi