8 Things you Must Know about IOS8
Daniel, Apple Daniel Portis Daniel, Apple Daniel Portis

8 Things you Must Know about IOS8

iOS 8's new "Hey Siri" offers a voice activated prompt. If you're driving and your iPhone is connected to a power source, or if your iPad is charging across the room, you can shout out "Hey Siri, set a timer for 3 minutes" and Siri will do exactly that. A few minutes later, your device will beep and you'll know to take the eggs off the stove.

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How To Make Siri Smarter
Daniel Daniel Portis Daniel Daniel Portis

How To Make Siri Smarter

Have you ever been using Siri and she's goofed up tremendously? Here is a great way to make sure that Siri is extremely punctual and reference to what you want to do. 

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5 Photoshop tips in 2 minutes
Daniel, Graphics Daniel Portis Daniel, Graphics Daniel Portis

5 Photoshop tips in 2 minutes

The more you understand the workflow in Photoshop the faster you become a master of Photoshop. In this two minute video I'm going to show you five quick tips that will help your workflow to tremendously. If I move too fast for you feel free to pause, rewind and watch it over again.

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Quick Photoshop Zooming Tip
Daniel, Graphics Daniel Portis Daniel, Graphics Daniel Portis

Quick Photoshop Zooming Tip

Here are two quick zooming tips you can achieve in under one min. Give it a try and let me know how it works out for you. If you have a question please feel free to as in the comments of tweet me @websitecandi #askwebsitecandi

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FirstLook: Republic SOL Deck
Audio, Reviews, tfraley Thomas Fraley Audio, Reviews, tfraley Thomas Fraley

FirstLook: Republic SOL Deck

In depth review of “DECK”, A slim sized bluetooth speaker from SOL Republic.

I don’t belive it was developed with just pumping out music in mind, but instead to be flexible enough to create a big sound with all types of media while creating a fun and easy experience with tons of features.

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SoundWave Social Audio App
AKnab, Audio, Apps Angela Knab AKnab, Audio, Apps Angela Knab

SoundWave Social Audio App

Is it just another music app or is it something more. SoundWave a social media app available for both iOS and Android platforms, pulls everything listened to into one place and allows easy searching, sharing and ultimately connecting for music fans.

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Microsoft plans to cut 18,000 jobs
Headlines, tfraley, Microsoft Thomas Fraley Headlines, tfraley, Microsoft Thomas Fraley

Microsoft plans to cut 18,000 jobs

Satya Nadella CEO of Microsoft and successor of Steve Balimer have just announced the largest round of cutbacks in Microsoft history. Satya says they will be cutting 18,000 positions in the next year. This also comes not too long after Microsofts acquisition of Nokia. It's said layoffs will be mainly focused on their mobile division, and cutbacks starting with 12,500 of former Nokia employees.

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