Easy Hosting Control Panel - Installation
Reviews, Projects, tfraley Thomas Fraley Reviews, Projects, tfraley Thomas Fraley

Easy Hosting Control Panel - Installation

Hosting on a server requires many manual operations like adding a domains, email users the larger the scale its the more work it becomes. Hosting Control Panel is a software that runs on a server, which facilates, which makes easy, almost all kind of hosting operations, such as : adding domain, adding email user, ftp setup ,subdomains . Ehcp (Easy Hosting Control Panel) is a free hosting control panel Which aims to bring an easily installable, easily usable, opensource, gpl, fast, full php to the mix

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Tip: iPad Space bar
Apple, Tips and tricks, tfraley Thomas Fraley Apple, Tips and tricks, tfraley Thomas Fraley

Tip: iPad Space bar

The space bar on the iPad Keyboard is really unique. It recognizes the number of touches and acts accordingly. If you tap the keyboard with one finger a normal space would be produced. tapping with two fingers would result in a larger space. Similarly tapping with three, four and five fingers would produce larger spaces

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Mac app store hacked, how developers can better protect themselves « Craftymind
Apple, Security, Tips and tricks, tfraley Thomas Fraley Apple, Security, Tips and tricks, tfraley Thomas Fraley

Mac app store hacked, how developers can better protect themselves « Craftymind

Mac app store hacked, how developers can better protect themselves Crude instructions have started showing up online with ways to circumvent Apples Mac App store receipt validation. By simply copying receipt and info.plist data from a free app and pasting it into a paid app, you can run apps copied from friends computers or bittorrent. I myself have a copy of a paid app (not angry birds, but one with stronger protection) running on my system that was purchased by a friend. This is a massive failure in the implementation of Apples receipt system.

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How To Make AirPrint Work with Any Printer
Apple, Tips and tricks, tfraley Thomas Fraley Apple, Tips and tricks, tfraley Thomas Fraley

How To Make AirPrint Work with Any Printer

Apple originally promised it would support a wide range of wireless printers and virtually all shared printers. On release, it supports a very small handful of HP wireless printers and no shared printers at all – making it unusable for the vast majority of iPad users. The good news is that now there is an easy and free way to get AirPrint working as it was intended, and use it with your shared printers on your network.

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Apple Releases 10.6.5 Update, Contains Bug Fixes, Reliability and Performance Boosts
Apple, Headlines, tfraley Thomas Fraley Apple, Headlines, tfraley Thomas Fraley

Apple Releases 10.6.5 Update, Contains Bug Fixes, Reliability and Performance Boosts

Apple Releases 10.6.5 Update, Contains Bug Fixes, Reliability and Performance BoostsApple Releases 10.6.5 Update, Contains Bug Fixes, Reliability and Performance BoostsApple is still pushing out Snow Leopard updates out the door, this time with quite a few bug fixes in specific programs and hardware connections

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2nd Gen AppleTV Review
Apple, Reviews, tfraley Thomas Fraley Apple, Reviews, tfraley Thomas Fraley

2nd Gen AppleTV Review

The new 2nd Generation AppleTV is out. I picked one up earlier this week to replace one of the three first gen apple tv's i own. At $99 dollars it's a bit hard to belive since the old ones were running around $300. Let me start by saying i have been using the 1st gen since it came out and love it and so do my kids being able to connect to my office computer and stream all my media to any room in the house is awesome.

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