Tips: Bento Database - WickedEdge
A quick run though on how I use Bento and thrown that old fashion note book out the window.
I recently acquired a WickedEdge sharpening system. This system is awesome for anyone who wants to get great edges on their knifes. This system enables you to hone in on pretty much any specific angle you want. Along with the tools to replicate that angle over and over reducing the amount of wear on your knife and giving a great polish if you desire.
Allot of knife-makers keep a little black book to documenting their settings and angles for every knife.
This is where Bento comes in.
With Bento your able to create a database that can store all kinds of information such as Make, Model, Steel, Angles along with the ability to import media like images, pdf etc.. Another nice thing about Bento is the ability to sync your databases between Macs, iPads, iPhones and iPod touches. Giving you to the ability to document of just pull specific information from any where.
I'm new to using the WickedEdge but I am loving the product it works very well. That being said my Bento Database is still a work in progress as I'm learning myself what is really needed to be documented.
I am more then happy sharing my database as a template just leave a comment below if your interested.