First Look: Angry Birds Epic
On June 12th Rovio, the makers of Angry Birds have done it again by introducing their lovable characters into a new genre. Where these birds will learn some new tricks and put on some armor in their first role playing game “Angry birds Epic”.
Third times the charm after making sure all background apps were closed Angry birds epic started up and ran fine on our iPad mini running iOS8. Please excuse the game audio as we are using Apple’s new Beta OS “Yosemite”. Not all applications are currently running as expected and the audio seemed glitchy after we recorded.
With that being Angry birds epic does bring the fun of Angry birds to the RPG platform while keeping it simple and fun. I’m sure my boys are on the verge of spending alot of time in this game. At least I got a head start on them today.
This game is completely free, but there are some in app purchases like other RPG games. WIth in app purchasing of game currency with real money and full screen ads Rovio is surly making money on it.
I haven’t put that much time into this game. However, so far there hasn’t been a need to buy in game currency. Other game companys have gone as far as making games almost impossible to beat without spending XXX amount of dollars. Rovio has yet to take on this business model thus far, however we will drop a small update next week with an update on. , so get connected and keep an eye open.

- Company: Rovio
- Game: Angry Birds Epic
- Platform: iOS
- Genre: RPG
- Price: Free