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Counting Down to 5AM: Will You Join the Apple Vision Pro Pre-Order Wave?

Have you caught wind of the Apple Vision Pro pre-order? It's set for a 5AM start on January 19th. Yep, that's an early wake-up call, but it seems like this one's going to be a big deal. Thinking about getting one?

It's priced at $3,499 with 256GB of storage. But honestly, it feels like this is one of those times you're getting what you pay for, especially in terms of hardware. It's pretty packed with features, and I'm kind of amazed at how Apple's not making a bigger profit on these.

Here's something to chew on – there's a rumor that only about 60,000 units will be in the first batch. Initially, I thought they'd go to developers first for more app development. But it looks like Apple's strategy is different this time. Even with that price, I think they'll sell out quickly. It seems like everyone's eager to see how this could impact their work or industry.

If you're leaning towards grabbing one, remember to have your iPhone or iPad with Face ID ready for the pre-order. It's crucial for ensuring the Vision Pro fits perfectly. And don't forget to update your Apple Store app – you'll need the latest version for the face scan process.

Also, if you wear glasses, you'll need to upload your prescription for the custom ZEISS optical inserts – $99 for reading lenses and $149 for prescription lenses.

The kit's pretty comprehensive, too – it includes everything from different bands to a polishing cloth and a USB-C charge cable.

And guess what? I'm live streaming on February 2nd, the day it hits the stores. I'm planning to unbox and explore the Vision Pro, and it would be awesome if you could join in. If you manage to get one, maybe you can hop on the stream and share your experience.

So, what do you think? Are you up for the early morning pre-order challenge? It's definitely intriguing to see if this product lives up to Apple's big promises. Let me know if you're planning to get one, and maybe we can explore it together. Chat soon!